
December 7, 2020

Just a quick note to say I’m happy to once again have a website up and almost running. Still working out some of the details but it’s here! Stay tuned for more news and updates.

March 10, 2021

There have only been a few website updates in the past few months, but I am looking forward to releasing some exciting developments soon!

March 21, 2021

Happy Spring Equinox. New growth is in the air and also in my musical world. Today marks a gentle release of my new cello studio BELLA CELLO STUDIO on my website. More to come in getting the word out there soon, but for now it’s up and ready!

July 8, 2021

Oh my gosh, what a time it’s been these last few months! I got delayed on updating my website as life just got busy, including a house move! Here we are though, and I am now typing from my new in person studio space which I’m quite excited about. Thus to say, BELLA CELLO STUDIO, now has a physical space in order to host in person lessons as well as online lessons. Hurray! Preparing the space is nurturing and I look forward to sharing it with new students.

September 1, 2021

The days have started to become cooler and we had, at long last, a welcome and big rainfall yesterday. Today the sun is shining once again and I’m sitting here in my studio, gearing up for the new teaching term which is just under a week away. I look forward to making and sharing music with student, friends, family in these next months ahead. Here’s to a new year of lessons and learning!

June 12, 2023

Goodness, I clearly need to come back to this page more frequently! The good news about not coming here all the time means that I’m busy with teaching and life. We will soon to be wrapping up this teaching year with our year end concert approaching. It is exciting as it is our first in person year end recital since 2019. Our first in person Christmas concert since the pandemic was this past December and it was a great feeling to be back.

August 11, 2024

Latest News! Bella Cello Studio has a new home! It is now located in beautiful Metchosin, BC, in the Metchosin Arts and Cultural Center. It’s doors officially open to students September 3, 2024!